The Hidden Dangers of Slab Leaks: Why Prompt Action is Crucial
Built-in pipes are usually assumed to follow the life of the house, but situations often occur in which they are not up to the pressure, and in some parts, cracks occur after many years and even decades of use. Pipe bursts do not have to be the main cause of plate leaks, but they are the most common, and this list contains the main dangers that should be paid attention to when such situations occur.

Foundation damage
When water begins to seep under the foundation and slabs, cracks and damages appear on them that require repair. Cracks are caused by the pressure that the water creates and lifts the foundation or slab, and cracking, in most cases, leads to the fact that the part needs to be completely replaced because it cannot be repaired if it is simply returned to its position. The crack still exists and leads to new problems. That's why it's best to react quickly when the first signs of leakage are noticed; it doesn't mean that there will be an immediate rise. Also, a moistened foundation is much more sensitive and loses its resistance, which it needs to keep the house or building stable and strong.
Septic tank overflow
Water reaches everywhere, even to places that are well hidden underground, and the appearance of this creates a completely new and perhaps even bigger problem, which is the overflow of the septic tank. Depending on the amount of water that leaks, it will not disappear but will have to move into the ground where the septic tank is hidden, and with a larger amount of water, it will lead to its overflow. It is necessary to react preemptively by immediately calling the masters, who will perform slab leak detection, repair the defect, and stop the water leakage immediately. A leaking septic tank can lead to a much more intense smell and a more serious risk of disease, so it must not be allowed to happen.
Mold and fungus growth
Water is the source of life, so with the appearance of water, organisms will appear very quickly, which the owner of the property will not be very happy about, and for whom the appearance of moss and fungi will cause major problems. Molds and fungi feed on organic matter, so it is very important to remove everything that could be their potential food source. A dark and moist space is ideal for their endless reproduction when they have ideal conditions, and it should be ensured that these favorable conditions for mosses in mushrooms are removed. In addition to the harmful effects on health and the unpleasant and bad smell, they can significantly damage the foundation or slab. It is important to use a protective mask and gloves when removing them so that the owner does not put his condition at risk.
Unpleasant smell
The foundation or slabs where water leaks have occurred and the mold and fungi that come with them create a very unpleasant smell that can be quite unbearable for the family that lives in that home. This is another sign that something bad is happening, and this sign should not be ignored. The smell can become much stronger, which will bother the neighbors who are near the home, and lawsuits can also come from them. This is a very unpleasant feeling because the home reflects the family, and therefore, the owner should make sure to solve this problem as soon as possible in an adequate way. If a building has problems with leakage, then the manager should solve this issue, and the tenants are obliged to inform him as soon as possible so that it can be solved.
Deterioration of health
The health problems faced by a family living in a home with a leak can be very dangerous and should not be ignored at all. The ideal humidity for the appearance of many harmful microorganisms harms health and can even cause the appearance of asthma or worsen its condition if someone has it and causes asthmatic attacks. Allergies will certainly be activated in this environment, and sneezing, itching all over the body, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing will occur. Staying in such places can even worsen a person's mental state and lead to depression. The quality of the air is significantly impaired because microorganisms will be everywhere, and for this reason, respiratory problems mostly arise. It is important to shelter and protect children because their respiratory system is not yet fully developed, and this can affect them much worse.
Many people think that leakage is a harmless problem and do not think that it can, in many ways, create huge problems in a chain, and even that problem can easily cause a fire in the home. This is because the water that is outside the pipe and that leaks from the slab or the foundation passes to the electrical installations, resulting in electric sparks and flames that can spread very quickly through the house or building. That is why it is necessary to turn off the power supply in the entire house until the problem is solved and it is determined that there is no threat of fire.
Damage to walls and wooden structures
Water will manage to soften and enter almost every element that is near it and, in this way, accelerate the process of its decay. The high humidity of the air and the air that is on the floor will reach the walls and start with their negative influence. Also, wooden furniture that is on the surface can be endangered, so it should be moved to a safe and dry place. On the walls, the wallpaper or the color of the wall may deteriorate, and with prolonged exposure, cracks may even appear on it.

Problems with water leaking from the foundation or slab can be very big, so it is very important to react in time while they can be easily solved. In any case, there is a solution for everything. This list contains the problems that most often arise due to this phenomenon, as well as the adequate methods that everyone should use to solve them in the best possible way.