Elena Matei - Where Fashion Meets Music
Supermodel Elena Matei, a native of Moldova, has graced the covers of top international fashion magazines, but is now simultaneously returning to her love of music. Under the stage name “Mateia,” Elena has recently shifted her focus back onto her own artistic expression. She is gearing up to release numerous self-written tracks this Fall while continuing to pursue her successful modeling career. “Fashion and music go hand in hand. For as long as I can remember, music has always been a part of my soul. I love how music expresses emotions and am so inspired by the way people can connect and relate to the feelings conveyed through a song’s lyrics.

Prior to becoming a model, I spent my days singing and participating in various music competitions which led me to attend music school. After graduating, I was scouted and took a pause from music to dedicate myself fully to modeling. I’ve been fortunate that my career as a model has led me to travel the world shooting campaigns for incredible brands and major fashion covers, but all the while, never losing sight of my musical spark. Last year, amidst Pandemic, I took the time to refocus my energy back onto my original passion, composing and writing various tracks under my stage name “MATEIA”. I’m currently gearing up to release my new EP while continuing to work as a model. Now I can truly say that I have the best of both worlds.

As an artist, I take pride in expressing myself in as many ways as possible - through my voice, my lyrics, the way I present myself visually, through the things I wear, etc. Music and fashion complement one another, and both tell a beautiful story in their own unique ways. When combined the possibilities are endless. A fashion show uses music and, on the reverse, when I’m filming my music videos, I’m styled in a special way to reflect the vision behind my lyrics. I am so excited for what’s to come in both the fashion and music industries and am committed to making an impact in the world through my creative pursuits.”
- Elena Matei